2 rue de Pitea, La Pointe, Gustavia, 97133 St Barth - FWI

Expositions 2022

Discover the exhibitions that covered our walls this year

2014 2015 2016 2017 2021 2022 2023 2024
Dec 2022

Art pour nos océans

his new exhibition, organized by the Territorial Council of Saint Barthélemy, Art Saint Barth and Parley for the Oceans, brings together a selection of world-renowned contemporary artists to raise awareness about the climate crisis and highlight the beauty, fragility and threats specific to the oceans The Wall House Museum shows together the video work of the American artist Doug Aitken on his Underwater Pavilions as well as a set of works produced in support of the action of Parley for the ocean by artists such as Nigel Cooke, Jiri Georg Dokoupil, Katharina Roose, Jeppe Hein, Jenny Holzer, Julio Le Parc, Vik Muniz, Ed Ruscha, Kenny Scharf or Rosemarie Trockel. Read more
Oct 2022

Aldrich, Rockefeller et St Barth

It has taken almost a year to bring together all the material needed for this new exhibition: many documents that had never been seen, people who had never talked about their memories of the construction of this famous villa called locally Villa Rockefeller. From its birth to its impact upon the island, the population and its economy, from an architectural point of view to a technical one the building of this specific house needed a full study. Read more
Jul 2022

Saint Barth, un jour

This exhibition presents for the first time 40 exceptional photographs taken by Hélène Roger-Viollet during her visit to Saint-Barthélemy in 1958. Read more
Mar 2022

+4000 ans d' Art Africain

Cradle of humanity, the African continent deploys over more than 30 million square kilometers a myriad of landscapes, peoples and cultures linked together by an often mysterious history. Codes that escape us, aesthetics that challenge us and sometimes disturb us should not however be obstacles to our desire to understand and appreciate an art long said to be "primitive" which is however the fruit of thousands of years of evolution, maturation, and whose stages unfortunately remain hidden from us. sumé ENRésumé ENRésumé ENRésumé ENRésumé ENRésumé ENRésumé ENRésumé ENRésumé ENRésumé EN Read more

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Opening Hours

on Tuesday afternoon : 14h - 19h
from Wednesday to Saturday : 9h - 12h, 14h - 19h
closed on Sunday to Monday