2 rue de Pitea, La Pointe, Gustavia, 97133 St Barth - FWI

Expositions 2021

Discover the exhibitions that covered our walls this year

2014 2015 2016 2017 2021 2022 2023 2024
Dec 2021

Forces de la nature

In partnership with the Community of St Barthélemy, the Wall House Museum and Space Gallery St Barth are proud to present a new exhibition, entirely dedicated to the photographs of Iran Issa-Khan. Entitled Forces of Nature, this exhibition pays homage to the intrinsic beauty of the natural world, which fascinates the artist and has been the center of his attention for the past twenty years. Read more
Feb 2021

St Barth. An tan lontan

by Rémy de Haenen Read more

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Opening Hours

on Tuesday afternoon : 14h - 19h
from Wednesday to Saturday : 9h - 12h, 14h - 19h
closed on Sunday to Monday