2 rue de Pitea, La Pointe, Gustavia, 97133 St Barth - FWI

Expositions 2015

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Nov 2015

Francesco Clemente (1952)

I have met Derek Walcott. He is a difficult man, who, at least in the company of an occasional acquaintance such as I was, entertains himself recounting his regrets rather than his achievements, maybe because the achievements of Derek Walcott are too vast and too profound to share. There is no earthly Paradise, there is only Hell, or, like Swedenborg, Böhme, Blake, and maybe Emerson have observed, Heaven and Hell are one and coexist in one place, which is the human heart. Sometimes even sophisticated travelers choose to slight the Caribbean. “There is no History there,” they say. But of course, sadly, History is there and the Hell that History affirms, is
 there too. Read more

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Opening Hours

on Tuesday afternoon : 14h - 19h
from Wednesday to Saturday : 9h - 12h, 14h - 19h
closed on Sunday to Monday